Doing the job with her was such an ease because she didn't like, freeze there like a half-inserted nail on a wood-plank which usually occurs to clients I had before.
Right! Setting up the place! since we are limited in an aspect of transportation, I decided to do it locally, where else if it isn't my own school, GASS. To some eyes, the area of the school may seem ordinary and common to view, *sheesh of course it is*, but, I don't know how to say this but it's something about, every inch of this world is beautiful if you have the creativity.
We started on the make-ups on 11.30am, whilst I, was transferring some of the pictures in my SD card which almost took about an hour! DAMN that's a waste of good time!
Well, my SD card was almost full and according to its' LCD screen on top of the camera, next to the shutter button, I don't even know what it's called, and holy crap only 50 * I think it was 56 * shots left!
Transferred some pictures, and deleted them in-camera, ask the client to do a 'little' exercise but not too much.
We did this 'warming-up' shot on an outside canteen
Below is an un-edited picture just to show you what I meant.
Well, it's show-time! Scroll down! =)
So, judging from the background, you guys should know that it's obvious where this was done.
Yes, yes it's 'there'. LOL
Firstly, since the palm plantation provides dark background, I thought I should make a low-key lighting type of pictures. But it was too hot at that time, going INSIDE the plantation area was like a good idea.
Here is a pose which is similar to what I did to Hannah on her last photo session.
I should make this as an intro pose. =)
It may be comfortable *not really* there but the sunlight spots is really ruining my photographs.
Fortunately, it's a good thing Claudia brought her blue umbrella even though I said to her that it's not necessary. The blue umbrella does not match with her outfit though.
I know I am exposing my secrets here. But since my blog is a slow-one, thought I'd share something with you guys. For your information, I only get averagely 8-14 visitors a day. =\
So I'll carry on..
Yes, yes I know, the lighting is harsh. Yet I should seldom on flashes and stuff because they're not natural lighting AND expensive!
I only need flashes on low-light conditions.
And since I usually do outdoor portraits and I got a LOT of lights directing the subject and coming in the sensor.
But reflectors and diffusers is essential.. =)
And the pout done by Claudia was also unnatural. Means I have still a lot to learn! Even my ENGLISH needs some learning. I know my mistakes, I'm just a weak human but I'll live. =P
Next is one of my favorite shot.
I think it is creative and really hard to do. You know when the light source is behind the subject, you have to try a few captures JUST to get to the right exposure. It took me almost 20 shots to get the correct exposure unfortunately I didn't. I also observed *again* my mentor, Frisco Daniel, which he had done a technique similar like this to a client back a few months ago but I improvised it.
Anyway, without the Nano-coating , I think it's impossible to get this shot without over-exposing the background which will destroy the leaves and ruin my picture. So I used a technique called 'Fill Light' where I learnt from the Digital Camera Magazine Malaysia, last year edition, somewhere in September I guess. Fill Light is a technique where you utilize a flash to balance the exposure especially for a backlight like this. Keep in mind I don't have an external flash so the built-in-pop-up flash will do. But another problem occur. What? I used an ultra-wide angle lens for the shot which was Tokina 12-24mm f/4.
Once, I readt that, pop-up flash will leave a semi-circle shadow mark if used on 24mm and lower focal lengths (DX).
But again, my solution is yet, a very simple solution where I capture on a wider focal length, I mean, intendedly putting up too much space which is wrong in composition, and crop it just until the distracting mark is gone. Re-compose carefully and VOILA! Re-shoot in PhotoShop! =)
I didn't forget to experiment some new pose to gain some experience.
I surveyed several close people from photography to non-photography friends and amongst all shots, they adore this one so much! Including Claudia herself! Maybe it looked casual or contemporary, I don't know.
I guess it stands out pretty much! It matches with what I had in mind. But if I had a telephoto lens here, I think that would be great. 85mm or 127.5mm (FX) is pretty decent. I don't mean to offense or make some of you oppose, but try this shot with a Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G, I think it'd be 'fantabulous' ..
Another backlighting. I don't have much to say here, so just view the picture. =)
We moved to an old garage to take a rest there. Boy the heat was intensive!
The old garage was owned by an instructor there. For GASSians who are reading this, it is owned by Sir Richard Kilus.
His garage is an ideal place for photoshooting. But, you need to have creativity lurking inside you. Picking up composition and point-of-view here is really tricky. The picture is also inspired from my brother, Darren Wen and yes, Frisco Daniel again where they did a portrait at Penang last year. Too much effort to give the links! HAHA!

And another cute pose which I really like. =)
A similar picture to my most favorite picture.
Things get harder since the sun gets hotter.. HAHA!
Seriously, it gets harder. I have to wipe her face constantly after each shot was taken to prevent sweats from ruining her make-up and also to avoid her hair from sticking on her face.
I mentioned I need a reflector a few photos before this, and I guess I really do. Money is my problem right now but a certain someone advised me, so I can save money by improvising. Use any white solid substance preferably a polystyrene. At first I was a little confused but as he explains, then I started to understand. Diffuser also is a good idea I suppose.
An example where a diffuser should be doing its' job. But this is one of my favorite pose she did, only that furbished crappy coat is really distracting. It's 'ARMLESS'.. HAHA! Anyway that's my favorite coat which I only use in a big concert or any great performance. =)
If only her cheeks was not brighten by the light spots caused by the sun. =(
Wipe her, here and there.. No I didn't go way there. Sweat's a big problem if you don't handle it properly.
You don't wanna make your client looks tired. Trust me you don't. She will look tired, or sweaty, which ruins your work, and leads to dissatisfaction to viewers thus your reputation will drop. WOW! What a conclusion!
So I looked at a broken entrance at the side of the garage and it seemed haunting so I've decided to do some snaps at the place. We were having some good laughs over the broken wood down there. Look at Claudia's left feet where the pillar is shattering. Darn termites!
Another thing is, Claudia's pose here looks unnatural especially her back. C'mon that's like The Hunchback of Notre Dame! She bended over like a, .. I don't need to say it anymore.
This may be the last official photo I took for the whole portrait session. Somewhat more innocent and sad.
It looks nice but I don't know why, it doesn't , satisfy me. It's like there is something missing here. Problem is, I don't know what.
This shall be the last photo after filtered. I made this my favorite because of her heart-catching expression.
At first, when I saw this picture on the 3" LCD screen on the Nikon D300s, she seemed more like her sister, Natelie..
Then I reviewed this photo in the newly bought 21" LCD monitor, she almost look like an angel. Well not really, but I almost fell my chair down. =P
I mean, just look at that puppy-eyed look. I guess that 'head up, head down a lil' bit' commands actually DO works! I was like, 'big smile! *click* great, sad expression *click*, just smile a little bit, *click*'..
She seemed like, *cough* a girl who's asking me or the viewer to be my girl carrying a hope that I will accept her proposal. I mean just look at her!
But hey! She's just another client and I shouldn't *doesn't mean I can't* xD
You had a really cute model there :)
I'm not an expert in photography, so I won't be able to give much constructive idea :)
just, hang in there. i can see how much better you are getting :)
love the scene and talent!
Gooooood job there brother.
You really getting really well at these..keep up the good work. (Words from my SRA's report card).
Nway, good job.
p/s:Mcmana bleh ada komen c zalia tba2? Hahaha..
Thanks! Support is all I need! =)
Neils : oh dari ko pula ni kami mutual friends.. Zell was supposed to be a distant friend of mine connected through photography until now you just said it..
Ni barulah semart!~ haha.... nicely done... bule bikin profit suda ni klu gne.. haha~
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